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emulating the x68 after many years
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Author:  Fran [ June 10th, 2020, 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  emulating the x68 after many years

i remember using the "winx68khighspeed" emu more than 10 years ago or so
not the most user-friendly emu ever but it was ok at the time although it lacked extra "quality of life" features
fast forward to today - i would like to record a video of a certain game
i tried using mame first and there are two big issues : performance isn't good at all but,most importantly,you can't get rid of the on screen gui when you screenshot or record a video (yes,even when using aviwrite)
it's madness

so i went back to winx68 and this thing is..insane ? bizarre ?
it immediately clashes with my desktop composition whenever i launch it (don't know why) , i can't seem to configure controls at all and (like i remembered) it's pretty much impossible to get a real "full screen" option
i know the reason for that is because the x68 can use different resolutions and frequencies but still
furthermore,it seems that video recording programs like fraps,shadowplay or afterburner really don't like this program at all

so what's the current state of x68000 emulation ? are mame and win68 the only 2 available options ?
is there a better solution that would allow me to record at a certain native resolution (388x224 for example)


edit :
slightly better overall and you get a real full screen mode but 2 issues remain
can't use my controller for some reason (config lets you map buttons but not directions ?) ; the emulator recognizes my controller but the directions don't work at all
without the frame limiter,game runs at 723% . ok , makes sense
let's limit the fps and try to play in full screen it can't maintain 100%
it drops to 97% or so every 5 seconds which causes audio stutters
what the hell ?

Author:  Starscream the 2nd [ June 12th, 2020, 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: emulating the x68 after many years

You could check out the px68k core in Retroarch. I usually play any retro stuff if possible through that because of the shader and resolution options.
There may be some issues with the x68000 core, e.g. I'm not sure if the keymapper is buggy, but perhaps it sufficient for you.

Author:  BabaJeanmel [ June 19th, 2020, 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: emulating the x68 after many years

Use XM6 Type G. It's been removed from the author's site but it's easy to find on the emulation general wiki.

I have flawless performance with it, plus X68030 emulation and MT-32 support.

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